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People Are Different!

     We Are Different!  Although, we have a spirit and a soul housed in a body (flesh) which identifies us as human beings, we have differences.  We think different, we act different, we react different, we respond different and we process information different.

     People have circles of influence that make "us feel like" we should all be the same without regard to our differences.  We react as though we should believe, understand and know the same things in the same way in all given circumstances and situations.  Can this be possible?

     We need to first understand who we are inside (temperament) and after understanding who we are, then possibly understanding those who are both significant to us and those who are placed in our lives for purpose.  

     There are four sides to a story.  Your side as important as it may be it's yours.  It belongs to you.  That's right, you own it.  But understand it may not be your significant other, or your opponent nor the person that is looking at the same thing at the same time but seeing it differently.  However, when you know why you see it the way you do and feel the way you feel about what you see, think or feel then give the other person an opportunity to share their truth with you. Because with all due respect they have a side too.  And, of course, the observer who is both spiritual and skillful to balance the two sides. The fourth side will be the main side and He, God will provide THE TRUTH.  

     We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and with all of our flaws, opinions and differences we can come to a place of agreement, even to agree to disagree and never be disagreeable and learn when the marriage, the children, the parents, the friendships are important enough to hold on to we can redirect our energies to the Glory of God and for the sake of "Peace".  And, still remain who God has created us to be!


Our "Temperament" tells us who we are from the inside out and tells others why we do what we do!    





Life  Coaching


Conflict Resolution

Life Transitions

People Training

Behavior Assessments

Overcoming Strongholds Workshops

Healthy Body, Mind, Soul & Environment Personal Developments

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